Sunday, August 27, 2017

12 Tips To Choosing a CPA Network

Don’t waste your time promoting a CPA network that doesn’t pay well in the end.

Be wise because lost time is lost money. Use these questions as your guide in choosing a reliable and money making CPA network.

1. What offers do they provide?

Visitors will only be interested in doing an action if they can get something significant or interesting in return. The CPA network should have a product or information that can convince them to pay or provide their contact information.

2. How much does each particular action pay?

Research the industry standard in each type of action. Know how much the prevailing rates for lead, registration, purchase, subscription, and answering of the survey are. They should be at least average or above average (the highest rates usually have conditions).

3. Are required actions definite or conditional?

CPA marketing can be as simple as action equals payment. However, there are CPA networks with conditional actions. Here, you only get paid once the conditions are fulfilled.

If a typical CPA network pays for a simple subscription, a network with the conditional action may require a minimum of six months subscription or so (which is also determined when the customer signs up).

4. How are members/subscribers paid?

Their payment methods should be convenient for you. PayPal is the prevailing international mode of payment, but direct wiring can also be convenient albeit more expensive (for cash transfer).

5. How often are payments sent?

Does the CPA network require an earning threshold before you get paid? If so, can you hit it quickly? It is preferred that you have control over your withdrawals.

6. Are their widgets and links intrusive?

Most widgets and links stay where you put them. You design the layout of your website, and that’s it. However, CPA marketing can be a very intrusive tactic. Some networks use pop-ups.

7. Do they respond to inquiries and particular concerns quickly?

You bring them money through your website’s visitors. You should be treated with special attention. If the application process is already a long one, it may be the same for payment issues.

8. What types/niche of websites do they accept for membership?

The CPA network of your choice may not be open to the type of niche you are into. You better check it out first.

9. Do they consistently receive positive reviews?

You can quickly check for the reputation of you CPA network options online. Look for reviews. There may be legal issues involved that you should not miss.

10. How long have they been operating?

All CPA networks start with nothing much to boast and more to prove. Nonetheless, those that have been in the business longer are the safer choice because many people can attest to their reputation.

11. What other types of marketing program do they offer?

Aside from CPA marketing, many CPA networks also offer affiliate programs to widen their networks and increase their sales. It might be more financially rewarding for you if you can also refer other bloggers and get paid for every referral.

12. Did someone recommend the CPA Network?

Since there are millions of people involved in blogging or some online job, you should be able to have someone who knows something about this method of marketing.

Ask around.

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